Up to 60% OFF + Poldina lamp as a gift, for orders over €1.900


by bank transfer (Pay an advance once you confirm the order. The final balance has to be paid once you're notified that the goods are readyto be shipped.) or by credit card (100% payment upon confirmation of order, transactions are processed through SSL protocol).

payment by credit card or bank transfer (Pay an advance once you confirm the order. The final balance has to be paid once you're notified that the goods are readyto be shipped.).

Why is my credit card being rejected?
Your card may be rejected for one of the following reasons: 
- The card may have expired. Check that your card has not expired.
- The card may have reached its limit. Check with your bank that your card has not exceeded the amount allowed for purchases.
- Maybe the details were entered incorrectly. Check that the details have been entered correctly for all fields.

Can I have an invoice in my company name?  ?
Yes. Simply select the COMPANY option under personal details and complete the financial details requested.

Is it safe to use my credit card online?
Yes, the details are transmitted by encrypted method SSL. For payments with Visa and Mastercard only SET transactions are accepted (Secure Electronic Transaction). After checking that the card is connected to the SET system, the system will contact your bank and you will have to authorize the purchase. When the bank confirms the authenticity, the card will be charged. Otherwise, the order will be cancelled.

CDI LUXE LTD, Via d-r Georgi Dobrev, N.12A,9000 Varna, Bulgaria